Blackbaud Newsroom
Press Coverage Highlights from 2/26/16 – 3/11/16
Our data, expertise and more were featured in many prominent publications, such as CIO Review, The NonProfit Times,, TechSoup, and LinkedIn Pulse.
- CIO Review – Taking Advantage of the New Cloud Capabilities – “Why would I ever put my email in the cloud?” is no longer a common conversation I hear when I visit with other CIOs. Many have moved already, others are preparing to do so, or working to find the resources and gain consensus. Most of us, however, have not fully embraced all of the capabilities of Office 365. While Microsoft continues to invest in many areas such as the recent addition of business voice services and Office 2016 capabilities, there is a lot to consider when moving to the cloud versions of SharePoint and Office.
- The NonProfit Times – Money “Laundering” And The Future of Fundraising – The annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) recently convened in the glitzy oasis that is Las Vegas. The buzz was all about autonomous automobiles, drones, gadgets, wearables, and all of the indulgences from the Internet of Things. Another new technology application making its debut at CES was the world’s first charitable washing machine. The press release from Whirlpool and IBM described it as the “Whirlpool Smart Top Load Washer and Dryer enabled with Connect to Care program.
- – Employee Engagement: Top 10 Tech Solutions to Help You Overcome Your Engagement Woes – Here’s something you don’t see every day: an employee engagement platform focused on corporate social responsibility. AngelPoints is just that, offering tech solutions that help employers run more efficient and impactful volunteering and giving programs. Given how important corporate social responsibility is to millennials, we’re surprised there aren’t more solutions like this out there. Not that it really matters, though: AngelPoints has pretty much everything you need to get your employees excited about your company and the difference they can make in the world.
- TechSoup – 3 Reasons to Love Outcomes Measurement – Blackbaud also recently announced the general availability of Blackbaud Outcomes, its transformational cloud solution that empowers outcomes and impact measurements for the giving community. Leveraging Blackbaud SKY capabilities and powered by Microsoft Azure, Blackbaud Outcomes is the company’s latest release in its modern cloud built exclusively for the philanthropic community.
- LinkedIn Pulse – 14 Rules for Being a Woman in Business – Amy Bills, Marketing Director at Blackbaud said, “I wish I could tell my younger self (or any young woman) not to wait until you’re 100% ready to try something. Whether it’s going for a promotion, running a half marathon, starting a part-time business: You will never be totally ready for anything that stretches your boundaries.”